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Category: Proteins controlling the activity of the kinases
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Category: Proteins controlling the activity of the kinases


4. Lifestyles

4.2. Sporulation

4.2.2. phosphorelay Proteins controlling the activity of the kinases

bslA[SW|biofilm formation], control of entry into [SW|sporulation] via the [SW|phosphorelay]
kapBcontrol of [SW|sporulation] initiation
kbaAcontrol of [SW|sporulation ]initiation
pxpBdetoxification of 5-oxoproline, control of the [SW|phosphorelay], initiation of [SW|sporulation]
pxpCdetoxification of 5-oxoproline, control of the [SW|phosphorelay], initiation of [SW|sporulation]
sdamediates a developmental checkpoint coupling initiation of [category|SW 4.2|Sporulation] (phosphorylation of [protein|2C54FE2ADC82FF414D732018C90649D477A925AD|Spo0A])to the function of replication initiation proteins
sivAcontrol of entry into [SW|sporulation] via the [SW|phosphorelay]
sivCcontrol of entry into sporulation via the phosphorelay